BlueROV2 Heavy

Very popular open source underwater robot

BlueROV2 is a popular open-source underwater robot that has had thousands of sets sold around the world, known as the first of the world's "top ten educational underwater robots"!


Explore a new era underwater

Bluerov2 is one of the most popular underwater educational drones on the market

Simple product design, powerful performance, and extremely low selling prices are helping more and more people explore the ocean!

3 Knots

3 konts ( 1.5 m/s ) Ability to counter the flow

Automatic set+ Automatic depth set

Automatic auxiliary operating system

300 M

Aaximum depth

* Data measured by the laboratory may be affected in different environments

Operating capacity of up to 300 meters deep

The BlueROV2 is rated to a depth of 100 meters (330 ft).It can be upgraded to 300 meters, basically covering all commonly used water depth fields. It can be easily controlled in scientific research, exploration and underwater archaeology!

Light up the underwater world

The BlueROV2 series comes standard with a 3,000 lumens LED underwater lighting system, and supports substantial expansion to give you a clearer underwater world!

Open source PC software

Open-source epistasis software can easily manipulate the BlueROV2 via the QGC epistasis software. The open-source QGC application acts as the user interface, providing the live video stream, sensor feedback and information, and the ability to change settings and configuration.

* Support for independent design

Strong carry ability

Open modular frame structure design, with strong scalability and carrying capability. This simple design is stable and easy to expand, and can easily carry the manipulator, sonar and other plus accessories.

* Available accessories can refer to the detailed description below

Polar ice under the expedition

Powerful industrial-level design is easy to explore under the ice.It can be equipped with pH, dissolved oxygen or special sensors specially designed by scientists to quickly collect under-ice data and obtain first-hand information on polar exploration!


* ROV可集成下列产品以丰富其功能,若需要集成自主选择的其他产品,欢迎随时联系我们!

P360扫描声呐M750d成像声呐SS60侧扫声呐UGPS水下定位系统G300水下机械手Alpha 5 五功能机械手

P360 小型水下 360° 扫描声呐

- 万元级高性价比水下扫描声呐

- 与 FindROV 无缝集成 ( ROV 已预留设计)

- 工作水深高达 300 米

- 最大 50 米的 360° 全景扫描

- 小巧便捷,水下仅重 175 克

- 750kHz,分辨率 1.6mm@2m,4.1mm@50m




M750d 高精度多波束成像声呐

- 多波束水下成像声呐

- 可提供最高 120 米的工作量程范围 @750kHz

- 工作水深高达 300 米

- 水平角度 130°

- 小巧便捷,水下仅重 360 克

- 40m 量程时,仍可提供高达 2.5mm 的分辨率




SS60 侧扫声呐

- 万元级高性价比小型水下侧扫声呐

- 与 FindROV 无缝集成 ( ROV 已预留设计)

- 耐压水深高达 100 米,轻松覆盖江河湖海

- 最高分辨率可达 1cm ( 0.39inch )

- 680kHz,水平波束角 0.7°

ROV 已预留孔位,轻松集成



UGPS 水下定位系统 ( SBL )

- 万元级高性价比小型水下 SBL 系统

- 与 FindROV 无缝集成 ( ROV 已预留设计)

- 工作范围高达 100/300 米,轻松覆盖江河湖海

- 小巧便捷,水下部分仅十几克

- 简单易用的 Web GUI 界面


ROV/AUV 方便集成


G300 水下机械手

- 千元级高性价比水下机械手

- 与 FindROV 无缝集成 ( ROV 已预留设计)

- 耐压水深高达 300 米,轻松覆盖江河湖海

- 最高夹持力可达 10 公斤

- 1.6 秒张合时间

- 70mm 开口

7 cm大开口,轻松夹持



Alpha-5 五功能机械手

- 适合轻型作业级水下机器人 ( ROV )

- 模块化设计,可与 FindROV 无缝集成

- 最高可达 600N 闭合力

- 最高功率仅需 35W

- 一键式复原, RS232/485 通讯控制




Underwater exploration, immediately launched

BlueROV2 may be the best small educational open source underwater robot to date!


    如果您对产品有任何疑问,请 联系我们 ,或留下您的联系方式,我们将尽快与您联系。

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