Exhibition Invitation | Aohai Marine presents BlueROV2 at Hainan Marine Industry Expo

On the morning of 28 September, the 10th China (Hainan) Marine Industry Expo, organised by the CCPIT, jointly organised by the Department of Commerce of Hainan Province and the CCPIT, and co-organised by the Department of Ocean and Fisheries of Hainan Province and various city and county governments, opened at the Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Centre. The opening ceremony was hosted by Li Zhijie, President of the Hainan Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade, with guest leaders such as Lv Yong, Director of the Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce, and Zhang Yi, Deputy Secretary General of the China Chamber of International Commerce, addressing the audience on stage. The 10th China (Hainan) International Marine Industry Expo was officially opened by Mr. Shen Danyang, Vice Governor of Hainan Provincial Government.

The scale of this year's Ocean Expo is the largest ever, with the area of Ocean Expo increasing from 13,200 square metres last year to 33,000 square metres and the number of exhibitors exceeding 400. There were 132 enterprises from outside the province, 72 enterprises from the province and 233 exhibitors from other exhibition areas. In response to the "One Belt, One Road" initiative and to promote the development of the Maritime Silk Road, the exhibition hall was specially arranged for this year's Ocean Expo, while the international exhibition area gathered 29 enterprises from Russia, Malaysia and other countries.